2020 Selected Abstracts
Each year the Call for Abstracts highlights EMS research from around the globe. Abstracts are received from EMS providers, clinicians, educators, administrators, and students from all over the nation and abroad. A peer-review process determines which authors are invited to present their study at the national conferences of our partners EMS World and NAEMSE. We are proud to present this year's abstracts to a global audience online.
Clinical Abstracts
Education Abstracts

A Comparison of EMS Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 Before and After Reopening in the United States of America.

Does Watching Skill Videos Affect EMT Psychomotor Pass Rates?

A Descriptive Assessment of Prehospital Ketamine Administration Using a Statewide Data Repository.

How Do the M5-50 Domains of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism Impact Oligoanalgesia in Paramedic Students on Field Placement?

Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on EMS Transport Patterns for Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Modifiable Programmatic Factors as Predictors of Success on the NREMT Paramedic Cognitive Examination.

Assessing the Readiness of Stakeholders to Adopt Community Paramedicine Programs in Tennessee.

Obstetrical Emergencies in the Field: First Responder Training.

Emergency Medical Services Demand: An Analysis of County-Level Social Determinants.

Predicting the End: Entrance to Summative Exam Predictive Value.

Emergency Medical Services Worker Satisfaction: Results from a National Survey.

Does Affect Matter? A Correlation Study Between Affect & Exam Scores.

Evaluating Prehospital Use of Personal Protective Equipment During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Quartile-Based Student Performance Trends Between Paramedic Entrance and Readiness Exams.

The Role of Spirituality in Emergency Medical Services Worker Experiences: Results from a National Survey.

The Association Between EMT Entrance Exam Scores and EMT Student Success.