Nursing Process in Prehospital Care in a Polytraumatized PersonAuthor: María Guadalupe Castillo González | | Associate Authors: Juan de Hernández Gómez, Juan Carlos García Villa, MCE
Introduction The nursing process is a systematized tool whereby individualized interventions are carried out to promote immediate health actions. Traffic accidents claim 5 million lives per year. Critical areas in hospitals will continue to be the first line of care for these patients. Prehospital care is defined as care received by a patient in a clinical condition that compromises the patient’s life. The goal of prehospital care is to achieve functional stabilization of the patient from first contact in the prehospital setting until the patient reaches the critical area in a hospital. The nursing care of the polytraumatized patient is essential for survival and reduction of sequelae. Nursing diagnoses are evidence of care management; they are defined as clinical judgment of individual, family, or community responses to real or potential health problems. Objective To evaluate prehospital care of a polytraumatized patient due to a traffic accident. Methods Nursing process by patterns, functions of Marjory Gordon, and devices and systems. Results The main nursing diagnoses addressed were risk of shock and/inadequate blood flow to tissues that can lead to cellular dysfunction, s/internal bleeding, trauma. risk of bleeding; e/decreased blood volume/trauma. The patient received care based on these diagnoses until he recovered from the critical area. Conclusion The performance of the nursing professional in prehospital care is extremely important to preserve life. Establishing guidelines and general recommendations for the nursing process is essential in critical areas. This starts with first aid until arrival and delivery to a hospital for immediate care in the event of a serious emergency due to the degree of injury of the affected person.