Jameel Sylvia earned his Master of Public Administration in Fire & Emergency Services from Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts in 2019. Jameel began his EMS career at the age of 18 years when he received his EMT license right out of high school in the small town of Warren, Rhode Island. Jameel started as a volunteer firefighter at the age of 16 and went on to become a Lieutenant of EMS/Special Hazards and an EMS Captain over his 10-year history with the Warren Fire/Rescue Department. He completed his paramedic education at Roger Williams University in Providence, Rhode Island and worked as paramedic and EMS educator for several years before making the move to Los Angeles in 2022. Jameel worked as the Training & QI Officer for Brown University EMS from September 2016 to September 2021 and served as an Adjunct Faculty member at the New England Institute of Technology from 2019 to 2022. Jameel began as EMS Program Faculty and later promoted to Lead EMS Program Faculty for the Paramedic Program at UCLA before becoming the Acting Director of Paramedic Programs in March 2024, and subsequently the permanent Director in August 2024. Jameel is focused on bringing innovation and evidence-based practice into the classroom to ensure his team continues to deliver world-class paramedic educational content.