Mr. Page is the director of the Prehospital Care Research Forum at UCLA and active field paramedic with Allina Health EMS in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. He has over 30 years of continuous EMS street experience.
Mr. Page holds a Master of Science degree in education from Minnesota State University. He is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer and PhD candidate at Monash University, in Melbourne, Australia. He helped create, coordinate, and served on the Faculty of Inver Hills Community College’s paramedic degree program for 24 years. He is a site visitor for the Committee on Accreditation of EMS Programs, and senior facilitator for the NAEMSE/CoAEMSP evaluation workshop, and NREMT Scenario Development workshop.
A native of Mexico, Mr. Page continues to be involved in the development of EMS internationally. Current projects include work in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and others. He is co-creator of FISDAP, an international web based EMS tracking, research and testing project. Mr. Page authors a monthly research review column in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) has been running continuously since 2011. He authors the Cases with a Twist Column in EMS World magazine, and is the editor-in-chief of the Spanish edition of that journal. Mr. Page also serves as the editor-in-chief for the free, peer-reviewed online publication:
Please connect with him on Linked-In and the Prehospital Care Research Forum Facebook Page