Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
PHTLS is the world’s leading continuing education program per NAEMT, delivering the latest standards in prehospital trauma care.

EMS Safety
NAEMT’s EMS Safety course teaches students how to protect themselves and their patients while on the job.
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
AMLS is the gold standard of education for emergency medical assessment and treatment.
Emergency Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS)
The EVOS course addresses the knowledge gap that leads to injury and focuses on behaviors needed to create a culture of safe driving.
Geriatric EMS (GEMS)
GEMS provides EMS practitioners at all levels with the skills and knowledge to address the unique medical, social, environmental and communications challenges of older adults.

Principles of Ethics and Personal Leadership (PEPL)
PEPL provides EMC and Mobile Healthcare (MHC) practitioners at all levels with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively interact with individuals.