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Submit Abstract

  • To submit an abstract online, please fill out the form below, and click "submit" at bottom.
  • All submissions must conform to the PCRF author guidelines.
  • 2025 submission deadline: June 30, 2025

If you have any difficulty submitting your abstract, please contact us at pcrf@mednet.ucla.edu

* = required information.
* Please choose one:
* Abstract Title:
* Category:
If "other," please specify:

* Salutation:
* Author First Name:
* Author Last Name:
Author's Credentials:
* Author's Working Title:
* Author's Affiliation:
* Address:
(for publication)

* Address:
(for correspondence)

* City:
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* Country:
* Office Phone:
Mobile Phone:
* Email address:
Associate Authors:
(last, first, title)

  Use each of the fields at left to name one associate author, in the form last name, first name, middle initial, credentials.
  As the lead and corresponding author I attest that all authors have been notified of this submission, confirmed the exact spelling of their name(s), reviewed the final abstract, agreed to the submission, and agreed to the author order. If accepted, the author team will make every reasonable effort to send a suitable representative to present this study.
Is there an image (chart, graph) associated with this abstract?
If Yes, please attach your image file to an email message to pcrf@mednet.ucla.edu, and include your name and the exact title of your abstract in your email. Please also indicate where in your abstract the image should be displayed, using the word [IMAGE]. Only one chart or graph may be submitted.  
  This research has been approved by an institutional review board or animal/human subjects protection committee where appropriate.
  All authors declare no conflicts of interest or outside funding for this study.
(PCRF follows the ICMJE disclosure of financial and non-financial relationships, activities and conflicts of interest recommendations. Disclosure, if it exists or could be perceived to exist, is required for transparency. Disclosures are evaluated on a case by case basis. While declaration of potential conflicts does not necessarily disqualify a submission, a lack of disclosure is considered a violation of the PCRF author guidelines. Authors with potential conflict should download and e-mail the completed form linked here to: pcrf@mednet.ucla.edu.)
  This abstract is original and will not have appeared in a journal or have been presented at a meeting prior to the conference for which the abstract is being submitted.
  All authors must agree to the Consent to Use & Release for your abstract to be considered. Enter your initials here to consent. (You do not need to additionally complete the PDF form.)
* Abstract Text:
Maximum length is 350 words if no chart/graph is associated with the abstract, or 250 words if a chart, graph or other image is provided.




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